Interesting message for all the people going out to eat. 2005 December: Rishikesh Trip
If you go to Haridwar by bus, the roadyways bus would always stop at this place called Cheetal. This was one of the boards outside this fancy restaurant - The Cheetal Grand.
This station can be used for a scene in Malgudi Days 2005 November: Bangalore Trip
This is when we were going to IIM Banglore. This is some station on way to Bangalore. The picture taken does not does justice to the beauty of station.
Print Ads for General Motors India 2005 November: Class Assignment on Corporate Campaigns
We were supposed to make this Corporate Campaign for General Motors India. Me and my group came up with "Selcet One" theme and above posted three print advertisements.
My team included Anindito Guha, Ankit Mahajan, Nilanjan Roy Chowdhary and Shweta Vij.
Added Later: We were "awarded" lowest marks for this effort and the faculty thought we did not put effort and time !
This is a pic of my "desktop". My Pentium !!! based computer with 320 MB ram and along with that I have my Thinkpad R51-KQ1. I also have a screwdriver there next to the CPU so that I can pull HDD out as fast as possible, have my old(I don't have it anymore, as it broke down when I dropped it 15024th time) cellphone(Samsung C100), my wallet and and a skin lotion.